
855,360 Homecoming and Holiday Seats Available

Improve Millennial Flight Experience, SUPER AIR JET Comes with Large Seat Capacity


The millennial trend that continues to grow along with flight demand, especially in Indonesia, is caused by several factors such as ease of access to information, more affordable airline ticket prices, the development of the tourism industry and dynamic millennial lifestyle changes, including homecoming and holidays.


Jakarta, April 12, 2023. Hi next generation! It's time to go home or travel to SUPER Favorite destinations. For those of you who are still upset, SUPER AIR JET offers a choice of SUPER Popular routes. SUEPR AIR JET understands the high market demand in the 2023 homecoming and holiday season, therefore it has increased the number of seats available in meeting that demand. This can be done in various ways, such as increasing flight frequency or increasing the number of flights on congested routes.


The addition of a larger number of seats has been well considered that prioritizes the comfort and safety of super guests (passenger designation). SUPER AIR JET has done careful planning in determining the right strategy in increasing flight capacity, by considering factors such as market trends, travel time, aircraft availability and so on, so as to meet high market demand in the homecoming and holiday seasons more effectively and efficiently.


SUPER AIR JET seats available 13 – 30 April 2023

Regular flights 648.000 seats
Additional flights 207.360 seats
Total 855.360 seats


For SUPER Extra flights, SUPER AIR JET offers 64 SUPER Popular round trip routes,

  1. Jakarta to Balikpapan 3x daily
  2. Jakarta to Padang 3x daily
  3. Jakarta to Pekanbaru 2x daily
  4. Jakarta to Banjarmasin 2x daily
  5. Jakarta to Pontianak 2x daily
  6. Jakarta to Solo 1x daily
  7. Jakarta to Surabaya 1x daily
  8. Jakarta to Semarang 1x daily
  9. Surabaya to Samarinda 4x daily
  10. Surabaya to Banjarmasin 4x daily
  11. Surabaya to Balikpapan 2x daily
  12. Surabaya to Bali 3x daily
  13. Yogyakarta to Balikpapan 1x daily
  14. Yogyakarta to Samarinda 2x daily
  15. Bandung to Bali 1x daily




Young people are known as the generation who like to travel. This trend is seen in Indonesia which affects flight demand, especially from millennials, continues to grow from time to time. Do you know? Some factors that influence the trend of homecoming and holidays enlivened by millennials include:


In today's digital era, access to information about tourist attractions and flight routes has become easier to obtain. SUPER AIR JET is optimistic, it really allows millennials to more easily plan trips and find interesting and unique destinations.


Currently, SUPER AIR JET offers SUPER Economical ticket prices, of course, millennials to travel more often to the destinations they want. Get SUPER Affordable prices for more savings to go home and vacation faster for the flying period 13 – 17 April 2023, SUPER Favorite destinations (terms and conditions apply):


Bumi SriwijayaPALEMBANG

SUPER Save start from IDR 394.000


Equatorial City – PONTIANAK

SUPER Save start from IDR 482.000


City of CultureSOLO

SUPER Save start from IDR 501.000


Thousand Mosque Island  – LOMBOK

SUPER Save start from IDR 712.000


The tourism sector in Indonesia continues to grow, with the emergence of new tourist destinations that attract millennials. In addition, there are very diverse activities or events held in various regions in Indonesia, such as festivals, concerts and other events that attract the attention of the category of young travelers.


The dynamic millennial lifestyle and always wanting to try new things also influence the trend for homecoming and holidays using airplanes. They want to spend their time traveling, exploring new places and adding valuable life experiences.



*** PROSPER ***